Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We're Back!

After a long hiatus, we've returned to the web!  Since the last post, we spent time at our house in Nicaragua and brought a baby girl into the world.  Her name is Liv Aloha and she is absolutely perfect in every way.  Being a mom certainly takes up quite a bit of time and before we left for Central America, I sold the feather business.  While I miss the fun of owning my own business, I certainly have more time for my little girl.  Just because I've sold the business though, doesn't mean I should stop following the feather world!  I have a ton of information to share with you and now I can blog while the wee one sleeps.

Hair feather extensions are still going strong after last summer.  Now that it's June again, I see them popping up everywhere.  Hair feather extensions on dogs!  Hair feather extensions on Moms!  Hair feather extensions on young kids too!  I love seeing them and knowing that this isn't just a trend.  It truly is beauty and it truly is fun.

This is an example of Thomas Whiting's Red Badger feather.  It came off a a Eurohackle that had feathers in excess of 18"!  It was one of my favorite saddles last season.

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